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Journal AssFace's Journal: back to IE for me

I saw that the Google Toolbar now blocks pop ups and I've decided that will be enough for me to go back to IE.
I had been trying out Mozilla Firebird and while at first I liked it, in the end I was more annoyed than I was overjoyed with it.

Not too much going on lately. Enjoying reading and as usual, wishing I was getting more sleep.

I am house-sitting still, so I am not getting much (anything) done towards my company idea.

I've decided to start a few web discussion boards for high end car owners. Also going to make a blog of my main site, as well as create a new blog with friends where we are essentially offenisve and post stories from our offensive minds.

I wrote a perl script that creates offensive domains for me, and then from that I also write a perl script that writes offensive haikus. It needs to be made smarter and aware of nouns and verbs and the like.

Once my regular blog is up on my site, I will likely post up a link on here and then stop posting to this journal and there instead.
Or something.

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back to IE for me

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UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
