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Journal johny_qst's Journal: New Lease on Life

So I had fallen to the absolute end of my rope. Distraught and penniless I was boxing my apartment up and arranging to move it all and myself back to my parents house to stay until I got back on my feet. My parent's house! That thought still sends chills up my spine. I need my few remaining freedoms in the 'post-911' 'homeland-security forever' usa. The morning I was planning on moving all of my stuff, I received a call from a recruiter that I had worked with a month earlier. The guy who beat me for the position had job-hopped back to his previous gig for more money! That idea concerned me a little, but I gladly grabbed the opportunity to try again at an interview that I knew I had nailed the first time. So the next morning I went downtown and had another exceptional interview with my prospective employer. I then quickly arranged to store my stuff at various friends' apartments until I had my own place, if they made me an offer..... otherwise it was back to the parents' and all that that implies. Not two days later I was being promised an offer. Two more days and I was almost ready to start sweating bullets when I got the offer. The next morning I was in the office to pick up right where my predecessor had blown off. He didn't give 2 weeks notice. He just disappeared. And now here I am at work writing in this journal before going to save the day again... I am incredibly happy and full of hope. The doors of opportunity continue to open before me, and I am gladly stepping up to continue my journey through this nerdy life that I love. Occasionally at night when hanging out with my other geek friends smoking a few right and left cigarettes the sillyness of synchronicity hits and someone will comment about just how crazy these last few weeks have been. I have again walked out of a hole that I dug seemingly aided only by luck and circumstance. And maybe its the lefties, but it makes me wonder if someone/thing out there can influence things so gently we don't see their mark. If so... Thanks from the depth of my soul. If not... Wheeeeeee! I just can't wait to get paid. :) So this journal will get updated occasionally rather than turning fallow. If you bother to read my ramblings let me know what you think. I know I'm no english major, but I like to be critiqued. Now back to reading perl expressions uses in scripts... everyone have a wonderful year... we can only go up from here! :)
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New Lease on Life

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"I don't believe in sweeping social change being manifested by one person, unless he has an atomic weapon." -- Howard Chaykin
