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United States

Journal robi2106's Journal: The US Constitution for 5th Graders

Coming to you care of NPR is an article regarding a new translation of The US Constitution...

for 5th Graders (or equal cognitive level people)

So this is an interesting idea, if for no other reason than to take away that pesky need to understand the English language. Should this be referenced when teaching about US government? If so, at what level do you expose kids to the real constitution? I found a link regarding a review of the book which may be of interest, as well as another site selling the book besides Amazon.

I have more interest in this version simply for its appeal to a casual read. Mind you, I'm not about to sit down with a cup of tea and have a go at the whole thing start to finish. But this sort of can only help with translating the subject of the document, if not the intent. I have not purchased or read this version so it is hard for me to judge their translation.

The book can be had for under $15 from just about anywhere.

Edit 08/18/03 @ 19.15 GMT:Also a link on CNN if you like.

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The US Constitution for 5th Graders

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