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Journal GigsVT's Journal: And the sign said

Long haired freaky people, need not apply*.

Seriously though, my company may have a temporary opening starting soon and running until next spring.

PHP/Postgresql programming on Red Hat servers.

Must be willing to produce w3 valid HTML, and clean code.

Position is in southwest Virginia, and we're really looking for someone to work onsite.

I'll be honest, the pay we can offer isn't great, but it's infinitely larger than zero, if that's your current pay. :)

If you are interested, please reply. Make sure your email is in the header or the message somewhere. If you know anyone in this area that might be interested, give them a heads up.

*just kidding

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And the sign said

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An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"
