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Journal AssFace's Journal: I'm annoyed by everything.

Today is one of those days when I can't stand anything. I think that pretty just means that its a weekday.

I've been reading James Harriet's "All Creatures Great and Small" while I'm house-sitting for two weeks (finishing up next weekend).
It is a good book that I am pretty sure I have read before. It is impressive/funny to me how much his job - a vet - reminds me of my own job. He gets called to work on an animal and then people with no training stand around and critique his work. He is called up out of the blue and has to debug whatever the situation at hand is - figure out the problem and then resolve it - quickly and with an audience.
Of course my job doesn't involve a fuzzy cute life on the other end, and I can reboot.
The book is an easy read and is enjoyable. With no net connection at the house and me not caring about TV, that is a welcome change (I would normally read more, but I am addicted to being on the net as much as I can).

Lately I've been spending more time on a fitness site that I used to visit a lot. I mainly visit just to be a dick - but about half the time I give out serious information, either about fitness, nutrition, physiology, etc.
It is a fitness site, so of course it is full of dumb meatheads. For the most part, I'd say it is 98% very strongly religious types.
I'm not personally religious at all, and I hate religion. I personally don't think it should even be called religion and instead should just be tossed into the political science realm.
As for faith, I'm agnostic since I don't see any reason to be any other way. I suppose I learn more towards the athiest side, but with proof, I'll go with either way gladly.
What really bothers me is when people fight and argue over religion and/or the existence of God - but they do it with the worst arguements ever. It reminds me of that page of 300 arguements why God exists that BufferOverflowed posted up about a month ago.
As a result, I really wish it was mandatory that anyone in the world - or at least anyone that gets on the net - should have to at the very least read A Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan.
Have whatever belief you want, but learn to logically argue it - there are far too many people that just have the idea of "I'm me, therefore I agree with myself, therefore I'm right, therefore you are wrong if you don't agree with me" and it is painful to endure.
They essentially clamp their hands over their ears and much like the knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail, they totally deny anything against them. Therefore, regardless of the outcome of any discussion, they will always feel that they have won...
I don't get why they bother - and more importantly, I don't get why I bother reading it or worse yet trying to apply logic to anything.

Also, perhaps I'm just dumb, but I can't seem to figure this one out for myself. I've asked people before, but unforunately they were of the type "whatever I think is right, therefore anything that disagrees is wrong" camp and that didn't help me at all.
I'm curious what people that are of a certain faith that believes in one type of God or Gods thinks of another faith and their God or Gods.
Like, say for instance that in the end, Christians happen to be perfectly right - dead on right. There is a single God and he is all powerful, created everything, etc.
What happens to all of those people that were chasing false dreams? How did they get to that point?
Christians tend to not give that a lot of thought since that is pretty much how they see life now, so if it comes true, they don't have an altered reality.
So then, say another religion is actually the "right" one and it turns out that Christianity was way off. There isn't a single God, and the idea that Christianity was following turns out to be total nonsense? What have they done with their life? How had they felt so right? What happens now?
Most people just shrug their shoulders and assume that they are in the right camp because that was what they were taught as they grew up and therefore, it is right.

Don't know - I have it pretty easy at this point since I don't believe in any of them - they all sound equally nuts to me.

I won't even go into the evolution discussion, that is another one that brings out some interesting people and ideas. I'd lean towards the "crazy" title, but then I'm very much like them - just because I have a different opinion of what is true and right, I would be thinking less of anyone that thinks differently.
That said, I suppose anyone that ignores scientific theory and logic is pretty much someone that I'm gonna ignore.

And no, I have no desire to debate anything on this thread. It never, in my experience, results in "oh shit, I've wasted my life - I'll convert to whatever it is you just told me this instant."
Therefore, it is wasted time and I can mentally masturbate about some other idea that is more productive in my mind.

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I'm annoyed by everything.

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
