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Journal gwyrdd benyw's Journal: Tivo Log: MacOS X tinkering

Arriving back home, I started doing some of the work needed on the mac to support the Tivo (provide it guide data, and generally do what the Tivo(tm) Mothership would normally do).

Most of this is following directly from the tivocanada.com instructions.

First, I created a new "tivo" user, and used the pretty muscled tivo logo as its icon.

Then I grabbed the CVS files on the command line. The instructions given didn't work for me; I had to make these modifications:

mkdir tivo_canada_cvs_files
cd !:1
cvs -d :pserver:tivocanada@www.tivocanada.com:/usr/local/cvsroot login
(enter password)
cvs -d :pserver:tivocanada@www.tivocanada.com:/usr/local/cvsroot co guidedir

Then I quit for the night.
To do:
- upgrade OS one more time
- install fink
- install vim,... via fink
- install xmltv and other utils listed in guide
- create channel listing file for my area

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Tivo Log: MacOS X tinkering

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