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Journal AssFace's Journal: more viruses today... well, yesterday

Yesterday was the first day one of the owners was back from vacation. This is the same owner that is always having me do strange stuff - the one that knows tech just enough to make it painful for people that really know tech things.

He got 15 virus messages in a row out of nowhere - the virus checking software found them all - either dumping them to quarantine or repairing them.
They were of different types of worms and Word macro viruses - from some different people, although 3 of them were from the same guy.

Still not entirely sure why that happened.

He wants the Nokia 6800 and I'm responsible for finding and getting it for him. He doesn't have a US charge card or mailing address, so it makes it hard for him to get things on the web. My fiancee has a US card and shipping address through a friend - but she doesn't walk to help the guy out (he is her uncle).
So I'm not sure what to tell him about that since the truth might not go over well.
She is okay with him using the card, but she doesn't want her friend to have to carry it into here - she has had to do that before and she doesn't want her friend to always be bringing stuff in everytime she comes in.

off to work.

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more viruses today... well, yesterday

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