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Journal GigsVT's Journal: Modbombed 6

Some guy just modbombed me, 5 overrateds on my last 5 messages, all at once.

Probably the GigsVT troll. I guess I'm doing something right if I'm actually important enough to waste that many mod points on.

It does make one wonder why the Slashdot people still haven't fixed the overrated/underrated metamod loophole. I can't imagine it would require changing more than a couple lines of code to fix.

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  • The FAQ used to recommend reporting blatant abuse. I did that once and was pleased by the response. I wasn't granted my karma points back, but I understand the offender, whom I still don't know, lost mod privileges [].

    I didn't keep the reply from pater (whom I think is CmdrTaco, but I can't remember the players without a program), and don't know if they still want reports of this kind.

    Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 01:31:35 -0400
    From: edgarde
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/200

    • The last time I tried reporting mod abuse, Taco modded a couple of the comments down a couple more points, saying that the mods were fair. I suspect it was him that modded them down in the first place. To him, anything that defends 2nd amendment rights is automatically overrated.

      I don't care about karma really, it stays at 50 for most people anyway, even when modbombed a couple times.

      If it started getting to the point where I was posting at zero or unable to post many times a day, then I would probably
  • You got nothin' better to do than post on Slashdot all day, you piece of garbage?
    You got nothin' to do?
    Go eat a sausage and choke on it.
    Get trichinosis!

    GigsVT is gay.
    -The GigsVT Troll
    • That almost sounded like Wesley Willis. Maybe you should ask him to write a song about me.

      PS. Glad you finally got an account.
      • Suck a polar bear's funky ass!

        You actually gave me a laugh because I find it very unlikely you would compare my writing with that of such a great, great man.

        GigsVT is somewhat less gay.
        -The GigsVT Troll

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
