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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: Cherie Blair largin' it in Ibiza!

Out of the (voluminous) mouth of the PM's wife, a possible UK number 1 single? Could be! BBC News reports that some cheeky-chappy DJ-types have sampled Cherie's inpromptu rendition of the Beatles song 'When I'm 64' (delivered to students in Beijing, where the Blairs were visiting, when Tony got asked to sing a song*) and have turned it into a dance tune which is finding favour out on the dancefloor of the Mediterranean isles of Ibiza and Cyprus.

Music experts predict it could storm the UK's pop charts.

A spokesman for Radio 1 in Ibiza told the Independent newspaper: "The sample has serious novelty value.

"It's a catchy tune and an eccentric performance.

"When people realise it's Mrs Blair, it is difficult to know how they will react, but it is set to be red hot this summer."

The Balearic island of Ibiza and the resort of Ayia Napa in Cyprus are at the forefront of the European dance scene.

Popularity on the dance scene often leads to mainstream chart success.

Which leaves me in the unusual position of wishing Cherie the best of luck with her (admittely unplanned) attempt to keep the top spot free of manufactured boy- and girl-bands during the remainder of the summer... :-)

* Small factoid for you - before entering the political arena, Tony Blair played in a rock band. This gave his a modicum of 'street-cred' in the run-up to the General Election in 1997. However, with the advancing years and considerable dip in his popularity, it is more of a liability now, as it just reminds people just how un-hip he's become.

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Cherie Blair largin' it in Ibiza!

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