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Journal este's Journal: (yawn)

Well, I guess it -is- friday now.......

I was all resigned to having a boring uneventful day. At about 8pm, I decided to get -something- done, so I went to Lowe's and bought a unch of plumbing supplies. But I wasn't doing any plumbing. No sir. I was creating the third incarnation of the Heineken Hookah! This one's great, custom molded fixtures, "high-bandwidth" tubing, custom paint, all JB welded together, with recessed 1/4in. jack stem, and two-part design for convenient cleaning. and perfectly airtight. No more wasted lung power!

As I was crafting this fine piece of bonggery, who should walk in but Kris. A day early, took me by surprise! He hung out with me for a bit as I ground down the stem to attach the tubing to it, his brother Brandon popped in for a minute, all good times. And then......Nathan! With, of course, Dynasty Warriors 4. My thumbs will be sore for days after all that videogaming. The hookah is now mostly complete, by the time my lazy ass gets up tomorrow (I'm guessing about 3pm), the paint should be cured, and the seams all set. All that's left then is assembly and testing, both of which should go quick and flawlessly (the don't call me "McGuyver" for nothing!). Should be a hit at the party on saturday....ha ha, get it...."hit"....ugh, I need sleep.......

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