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Journal urbazewski's Journal: blog-O-rama update

I finally knuckled under and archived my blog. I still haven't made an index, but at least the whole thing isn't one huge file anymore.

So what's new?

telecommunication breakdown describes the text book that bill spent the last two summers working on, it should appear this fall.

a visit with my mother describes, um, a visit with my mother and includes links to some pictures of a steam train ride through a redwood forest.

normal blog entry is an accounting of one week of my life, coffeeshops and my laptop feature prominently.

margaret mead on iraq consists of political ranting, mainly other people's.

awesome describes my recent scuba diving adventure at point lobos.

all the blah-blah-blah that's fit for cyberprint!

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blog-O-rama update

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
