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Bush's secret?

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  • I guess so, but what if it is what it appears to be, that is, pure bullshit ?

    There is no trace in the story anywhere that this is anything but bull. There are a lot of people in the US. Enough so that millions are mentally disturbed.

    These people make all sorts of claims. I don#t see any reason to spend much energy on such until there is some reason to believe it is actually true.

    Did you hear that Bush is really a alien reptile who lives from human blood ? No ? Go google it, quite a large number of pe

    • I don#t see any reason to spend much energy on such until there is some reason to believe it is actually true.

      Yes, but the part about her filing the complaints at least appears to be true. I'm not liberal by any measure, but the author has a point, if every one of Clinton's accusations warranted scrutiny, they why not this one? Shouldn't someone at least investigate it, if only to clear the president's name?
      • I'm not so sure that every one of Clinton's accusations warranted scrutiny. I don't know this, but it would not surprise me if pretty much every president is continually "accused" of various crimes.

        I mean, is there even evidence that this woman has at any point in her life been within a km of Bush ?

        Don't get me wrong, I'm a European (Norwegian, but living in Germany at the moment) and Bush seems to me to be among the stupider presidents you guys ever non-elected.

        But extraordinary claims require extrao

        • is there even evidence that this woman has at any point in her life been within a km of Bush

          It wasn't clear what proof there is, but the article seemed to imply that this woman dated Bush in their younger years.

          I don't think it's true really, but it has at least been established that she did file the complaints, which didn't seem to be followed up on at all. There's no reason not to take the complaint seriously just because he's the president. (Immunity from prosecution given to the president aside).
      • Well, the woman may be fat and ugly beyond what words can describe, and no reporter is willing to believe that Bush went to the trouble of drugging her in order to have her way with her. Unless, of course, Bush was himself drugged.

        Americans in general are hawkish, I think. How does this woman's lawsuit support the troops? I guess it doesn't. That pinko slimeball.

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
