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Journal leeum's Journal: Little piece of wisdom

Read this from someone's blog entry, and thought it was rather insightful:

In life, we juggle five balls. They are Work, Family, Friends, Health and Spirit. It is hard to keep all of them in the air at once. It is important for you to know, however, that the ball of Work is the only ball that is made of rubber. The others are made of glass. Drop your Work, and it bounces right up again. Drop any of the rest, and they become irreversibly scuffed, scratched, shattered, even.

How often in our lives do we convince ourself that the bigger house, flashier car, or cooler gadget is absolutely necessary to our well-being and stand willing to sacrifice all in the pursuit of these things?

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Little piece of wisdom

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
