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Journal jmu1's Journal: Subject (This is required)

I was thinking of getting out of the computer industry. Perhaps, I could get into cars. Then again, I'd be on another wild goose chase called education. I know a lot more than most, but that isn't much in the first place. There are plenty of people I could tag along with and leech info from them, but I don't do that very well.

More than anything, I want out of the technical support side of things. No matter what the industry. You only deal with people that are desperate, angry and they all blame _you_. I've had enough. I've also had enough of the industry itself. Sub-standard quality hardware and software are somehow, the standard. It amazes me that in a world where we pay huge fees for software that we do not even own, we continue to purchase utilites that rarely work as we expect them to, if at all. Then, beyond that, we have to worry about someone else being able to access any data that we create. The vocal minority can jump up and down, cuss and fuss, but the money is what makes the world go round. Hince, we have these problems. Shine something flashy in someone's face, they will ignore the problems of a product. Give them something that has potential for greatness, yet doesn't have the same flash... it's all trash. Noone is willing to pay. Even for quality. I'm guilty of this, as much as anyone else. However, I feel differently about _why_ I don't want to pay. I feel that money is yet another institution that could be done away with, yet will forevermore be forced upon humanity by society's whim.

Nothing in this world is true. Not life, not death. Not even taxes. Perspective is everything. Ask a preacher about death. He'd tell you it doesn't exsist. Ask a Nihlist about life. He'd tell you it doesn't exsist. You have to make your life what you will. Everything else is just a dream, moving around you, distracting you from your own dream.

The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
