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Journal Chicks_Hate_Me's Journal: Newsflash: Paul is no longer a virgin! More at 11. 1

Yes, the impossible has happened. Believe it or not but I lost the invisible blockade known as 'virginity'.

So how exactly did this happen? Well for a while I have been considering meeting a prostitute and doing the forbidden dance for a high price. I've also looked at escorts which cost a lot of money and is against the law. My friend first suggested that we make a road trip to the Chicken Ranch in Las Vegas but it was too far away. Eventually we decided to go to the Bunny Ranch just outside of Carson City. I thought it was a great idea, but we kind of forgotten about it. Then 4th of July came up, it was going to be a three day weekend and my friend suggested it again. Being a three day weekend it would work out perfect so I wouldn't have to ask for any time off at work.

So we left Friday night as everyone was lighting off fireworks and being happy. I was pretty excited to leave and I just wanted to get out of this shit hole. So off we went leaving the fireworks behind and getting hyped up on energy drinks. As we entered Nevada we couldn't help but laugh when a giant billboard flashed "Loose Slots". The trip didn't take too long, we left at about 12 at night and arrived at the Bunny Ranch about 4:30 in the morning. I was half awake as we approached the flashing neon light shining in the morning half-lit sky.

I was a nervous wreck, I wouldn't even ring the buzzer, my friend had to. I said I was too tired, which I was, but more than anything I was scared. I walked in there shaking nervously, I didn't really have any control over it, I went to the bathroom a few times and felt better. My friend suggested that I check out the blond girl named Deanna. She showed me her room and told me the rates. Taking the advice from the awesome people at NV Brothels I didn't just say "ok" she asked if wanted to talk to my friend about it. Wow! A no pressure environment? This is a helluva lot different than a strip club, I actually felt in control. So I sat down and talked to my friend about it, and decided I wanted to do the deed. For some reason she was nowhere to be found. I asked the receptionist (if that's the right term) where she was and the receptionist replied that she was "busy". Busy with a client I suppose. So I sat there for a while, starting to go to sleep. My friend told me to forget about her as he pointed out a lady just sitting there talking to another guy for a long time. It looked like nothing was happening and eventually the group he was with left. It was my chance, so I came up and sat next to her. Right off the bat she seemed very shy and I couldn't think of the word to have her give me a "tour". I asked her name, "Latina" she said shyly as I introduced myself. She also knew very little English so it made it harder on the both of us. Her friend next to her finally had Latina ask me if I wanted tour, "of course!" I replied a little too energetic. So off we went to her room as we lie there and she asked me a few questions. She was really surprised about my age, and she was really surprised when I told her I was a virgin (as always.) By this time I was getting nervous, and she started asking me what I wanted. I told her just sex, after all that's all I came for. She said it would only take me 20 minutes to cum, but I said it was safer to do an hour. The prices she was quoting was quite astronomical, around $900. I asked her if she thought I was attractive, and let her know how pretty she was (which was the truth, she had a nice body with pretty eyes, and eyes are always the thing that gets to me.) Eventually she quoted me $400. I tried to knock it down a little bit more but it was to no avail. I then agreed to it and I busted out my credit card and slid it through her slot. Err wait, we actually came back out and I paid at the front desk. Then we were off to the room where she took off her top and went to the bathroom, I was already getting hard (sweet, don't have to worry about THAT problem) then I took a whaz. I came back out took off my glasses and my boxers. She sat across me as she stroked my man root. Quite an awesome feeling. I kissed her neck and down to her sweet sweet breasts. I started sucking on her nipples (something I've always wanted to do) and licking them. She then put a condom on me as I asked, "Muy pequeño?" (very small) and she replied, "No, muy grande!" Sweet! Even girls that know very little English can make me feel good about my smallness. Then suddenly she gets on top of me and I feel this warmness (awwww yeaaaah) that just feels awesome. We go at it for a while and then she lies down next to me. We go at it missionary, which is quite fun but quickly I turn her over and start doing her in some weird position. I finally get her to do doggy style which is probably the best position known to mankind. The whole time I'm feeling great, occasionally I stopped to play with her boobs and kiss her neck. It was kind of fun watching myself as I was giving her the o-face, you know "oh oh oh oh" (sorry, stupid Office Space reference) in the mirror. She was moaning and I started sweating, I have no clue if she was faking it but I didn't care, I was getting my groove on. She then laid me down and started to give me a blowjob, it seemed like she was really trying to make me cum, and I felt like it but I restrained myself. We went at it again (doggystyle of course) and she gave me another BJ, nothing. She took off my condom and gave me handjob, still nothing. She couldn't understand it. I even tried making myself cum but I couldn't. We were already about an hour and a half into it (my friend said I was in there for about 2 and a half hours) but I still felt like I could go on for another day :P Eventually she had to stop because I guess the main lady was getting on her case and I didn't want her to get in trouble.

So she took her shower, then I took mine. I gave her a kiss and went on my way. As I left the room I had a smirk on my face and opened the door onto a beautiful Nevada morning. It didn't matter that I didn't get any sleep for about 24 hours, after having that experience I was wide awake. Of course I did not expect what my friend was about to tell me.

It seemed that while I was in there, he was sitting out there waiting for me all butt hurt. Of course I can't blame him, we went all the way out here just for me to get laid. Well, he eventually striked up a conversation with a few of the bunnies. One of them, a pornstar named Sunset Thomas asked him if he wanted a tour, he told her that he didn't have any money. She replied that she didn't ask if he had money, only if he wanted to party. So you can only guess what happened from there. So I lost my virginity for $400 while my friend got laid by a porn star for free! The man deserved it. He said it was all because of the bartender hooking him up and he made sure to thank the dude. I think I need to start being nice to bartenders too ;)

So am I a changed man? Not really, this whole trip answered a lot of questions but mostly just made everything make more sense. Sex didn't seem like "the best feeling in the world" but it did feel nice and I can definitely see why having sex with someone you love might be more enjoyable. I'd rather be pleasing someone than being pleased, you can't really do this with prostitutes, you just go there for yours. One thing I'm really glad is that I'm not addicted to sex. I was scared that I would discover sex would be the most awesome thing and that I would crave it from now of on, but this is not the case, in fact, I crave sex even less because I know what it feels like. Another strange thing that I realized after wards was, I WASN'T FUCKIN NERVOUS!!! I can't explain it, all the times I've been around girls, I've always been nervous, but when I was there, touching, feeling a naked woman there was no nervousness at all. I always feared, and expected, that I would be all scared when having sex, but I wasn't. I can't explain it but at the same time I can't complain.

Turning 19 isn't so boring after all ;)

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Newsflash: Paul is no longer a virgin! More at 11.

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