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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Anime Expo 2003 in Anaheim

Anyone else heading out to AX this weekend?

I hope the convention runs a bit more smoothly this time around. I was bummed about the AMV contest last year. There aren't any big premieres either, but I'll settle for a 35mm screening of The Animatrix.

They have some cool guests again this year: Nobuteru Yuuki, the esteemed character designer for the Record of Lodoss War OVAs and Escaflowne; speaking of Escaflowne, Kazuki Akane, the director will also be there; one of The Animatrix directors, Mahiro Maeda, who did The Second Renaissance I&II is stopping by; and one more I look forward to is Koushi Rikudo the creator of the twisted and hilarious Excel Saga manga.

For the first time in ages, I didn't enter a video in the AMV contest. It was getting too weird for me, and the fun of the contest disappeared over the past few years. (Plus I was pissed that I didn't make finals last year!)


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Anime Expo 2003 in Anaheim

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