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Journal The Turd Report's Journal: The Linux Zealot reproduction cycle 1

Trollaxor: satan is residing in my anus.
ME: Odd, have you been using Linux. That might explain your anal satan infection.
Trollaxor: :-)
Trollaxor: not a bit!
Trollaxor: i think it may be residue from hanging around slashdot too much though.
ME: Could be. Have you touched any Linux trade mags or come in contact with any Linux zealots?
Trollaxor: hmm.
Trollaxor: no, and no...
ME: Is there an OSS conferance in your area?
Trollaxor: no i checked that out... none.
ME: Or is the wind blowing from the Holland, Michigan area?
Trollaxor: from the north it is!
Trollaxor: that's it...
Trollaxor: Rob Malda's stinky shit breath is being carried down here.
ME: That explains it.
ME: My other thought was that a Linux Ninja might have shot you with a linux tipped ass-dart.
Trollaxor: soon i will have to expel a foul, vile piece of feces.
ME: Another Linux Zealot will have been born.
Trollaxor: LOL
ME: Show it the EULA from a MS disk and it will be killed.
Trollaxor: i think i'll try to flush him first
ME: Or shine the glow of a monitor hooked to any non-linux machine and it wil wither and die.
ME: Sweet Christ no!
ME: Linux Zealots just grow stronger in the sewer.
ME: You must kill it first.
ME: Once it gets in the sewer it starts it's migration to Holland, Michigan.
Trollaxor: i thin this is another convo that should be posted to your journal
ME: Once it makes it to the Slashdot Compound the life cycle is complete and it get a slashdot account and start posting.
ME: ok.
ME: After 2 weeks it will have mod points and a +1 bonus.

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The Linux Zealot reproduction cycle

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