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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Obligatory Friday JE

Well, I was going to write a review of the 3EB concert Wednesday morning, but I decided to get some work done instead. OK, that's not the whole truth. I was kinda disappointed. I guess I'm just spoiled. I've seen U2 twice and according to Rolling Stone they are the best live band of our time. I heartily concur. To add to the problem, just last February I saw Coldplay at the same place Third Eye Blind played, and I thought Coldplay was just a much better show. However, some people will say that's because I'm an intellectual elitist, a British elitist, too conservative, or possibly too liberal. I'm sure some people would agree with me, and I suspect that they'd harbor similar feelings about mosh pits. It's just no good to be three people back from the stage during the opening band only to get the life squeezed out of you once the marquee band decides to finally show up.

I won't lie. I enjoyed the concert. I'm just saying that I liked other concerts better. Besides Mr. Jenkins is kind of an annoying frontman, but there I go comparing him to Bono and Chris Martin.

Well, this week I saw a post saying that Funny moderations no longer affect your karma. I suppose this is supposed to limit the karma whores. Frankly, I find that funny comments add more to the discussion than most of the other positively moderated posts. While poking around the faq, I was disappointed to learn that meta-moderation (M2!) is not as great as my /. mentor told me. He's been out of touch for a while (hadn't logged in for like 3 years until yesterday,) and he didn't know that everybody can M2 now (except, of course, if you modded up the Post of Death.) This kind of puts a damper on my /. domination schemes. I'll have to peruse the faq deeper. It'd make me sick to actually have to look at the Slashcode.

Well, I was thinking that I had a lot to say today, so I was looking forward to posting this JE, but I can't think of anything else that I wanted to say. I guess I just was filled with a burning desire to rant about the 3EB concert. I did read a funny article in the NYTimes about a reading J.K.Rowling did this week. I guess she mentioned that Harry might die in the seventh book; some little kid that was interviewed said something like, "That was really scary what she said about Harry. I'd hate it if she killed him off." Fans were also disappointed to know that Ms. Rowling does not believe in the sort of magic she writes about...

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Obligatory Friday JE

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