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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: The order of the firebird 1

Mwhahahaha! I finished the book yesterday and now am suffering a headache from lack of sleep and too much time spent staring at a book. Luckily, the print is a decent size, or I'd really be in trouble. I would write up a review, but I think I might get caught up in hyperbole that I would later regret. I did find that this book moved faster than book IV, and the overall sense of sorrow at *******'s death was much more convincing than the death in the previous book. I also really liked seeing Ginny with a personality.

OK, so I must make a pact with myself not to read the next book so quickly. But that's enough about that because I'm rapidly descending down the path that leads to rabid fanboyism.

Thankfully, it rained this weekend which cooled things down and helped out a bit with the whole drought thing. However, I hope it'll rain itself out today, so that the line to get into the 3EB concert tomorrow won't be a thoroughly miserable experience.

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The order of the firebird

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  • I thought of an alternate title: The Order of Jean Grey. Yeah, yeah, I know. I can't sleep so I'm up late reading /.

The only difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman is that the car salesman knows he's lying.
