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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: Reader-contributed Quotes

  • "Perl actually stands for the Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister) but don't tell anyone I said that" -Perl manpages
  • At one time, we joked about selling this to the Soviets to set their computer science progress back 20 or more years.......We stopped when we got a clean compile on the following syntax:

    for(;P("\n"),R-;P("|"))for(e=C;e-;P("_"+(*u++/8)%2 ))P("| "+(*u/4)%2
    -Dennis Ritchie joking about the creation of C as a sick April fools joke

  • "Never stick an electrical appliance down your pants" -Tim Allen
  • "A dog will look up to you, a cat will look down on you, but a pig will look at you right in the eyes" -Winston Churchill

Thanks to Billly Gates (198444) (yes, "correct" spelling) for these.

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Reader-contributed Quotes

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Mystics always hope that science will some day overtake them. -- Booth Tarkington
