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Journal spumoni_fettuccini's Journal: Zipping around /. journals

I went cruising around journals today and added some "friends" as I found their posts and or journals interesting, as Slashdot is frickinâ(TM) huge, so I added them in order to keep better track of when they write something new. If this earns me enemies, ehh, it's bound to happen sooner or later.

I view at 0 [mainly to avoid goatse links and the out and out BS] and I will mod no one down. Instead I will reply if I don't think they're trolling and sometimes I'll goof and take the bait *shrug*. I welcome all courteous, funny, off topic, insightful and irrelevant comments. I have a limited tolerance for miscreants and vandals. After all cannot one expect a certain amount of decorum in one's own space [my journal that is]? I do not foresee ever setting someone as a foe, honestly if you are that kind of person it's a lot easier to ignore you than to go to all the trouble of adjusting my settings [yeah I'm really that lazy].

Well that's it for now, feel free to write to me.--S.F.

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Zipping around /. journals

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
