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Real Time Strategy (Games)

Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Random updates 2

I can't remember if I mentioned that I now have two (2) fans. I'm not entirely sure if either fan actually reads these entries, but then I kinda started writing just to have somewhere to collect random thoughts, you know, like a blog except that it's a Slashdot blog. I guess reading Penny Arcade made me jealous. I wish I could write such clever things. Tycho's descriptions of Italy are outright poetic. Of course, you have to be a geek to understand what he's talking about, but that seems to simply add flavor.

So on to updates, let's see, I've been back from Disneyland for a while now. I had a birthday. Woot! Now I'm 26. Strange how birthdays stopped meaning anything sometime while I was a teenager. I guess it was the realization that I could buy my own toys and no longer required gifts to accumulate stuff. I marked the occasion with a small gathering of friends (not organized by me.) Said gathering was used as an excuse to play several matches of Worms Armageddon. Blowing up stuff is fun.

I also took advantage of the occasion to go out and purchase Rise of Nations. Such a superb piece of software! I earned my gamer stripes on Civilization2 and Age of Empires, so a game that combines the two was bound to earn my respect and a hefty amount of my time. So far, I've only managed to play through one and a half random map games. Now that I've finished the book I was reading, I should be able to rectify that as soon as I get home tonight. At some point, I may even have to try my luck online. However, if I meet with an experience similar to Warcraft3, I may have to renounce playing online RTS games entirely.

I am going to the Third Eye Blind concert in two weeks! I have never been to Bricks (a private club for members!) so that will be a new experience for me. Hopefully better than the time I saw They Might Be Giants. That particular choice of venue must have been made by their accountant. I suppose a comment should be made regarding their latest album: Out of the Vein. Somehow, I doubt 3EB will ever equal the success they met with on their debut, but OotV is better than pretty much anything else on the radio. I realize that is not saying much, so let me say something that will possibly be more helpful: I consider it a good album, because I like most of the songs.

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