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Journal Zerbey's Journal: June 10th, 2003

Thomas is 7 months old today!

He went for his 6 month checkup last week. He is still advanced for his age, about 1 months ahead of where a regular baby should be but since he was 3 weeks early he's almost 2 months ahead of where he should be. I'm so proud! He can now say "Ma-ma", "Da-da" and "Pop-Pop". Most of the time he gets the right name to the right person as well. I still think he's going to walk before crawling, if I hold him up he'll try to walk by himself now. The next 2 months will tell. We're childproofing the house right now, he's already grabbing for everything he can get his hands on! Didn't think I'd be teaching him the word "No" this early :-)

I built the OpenMosix cluster I was planning at the end of May, just a 4 node affair (4 PII-350s). Worked pretty good but realistically the only thing I could have used it for was RC5 crunching. Nice thing to add to my Resume, however. Haven't tried Gentoo yet but it's on my todo list. I don't think I'll be ditching it for Slackware at any point in the near future anyway.

This discussion was created by Zerbey (15536) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

June 10th, 2003

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"Unibus timeout fatal trap program lost sorry" - An error message printed by DEC's RSTS operating system for the PDP-11
