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Journal LearningHard's Journal: Boring Summer Jobs

So I'm sitting here thinking of all the different summer jobs I've had as I worm my way slowly through college.

Of course my first actual summer job was before college when I was still in high school. It was the summer I turned 16 and I wanted some money so I got a job at the local Brookshire's as a bagger. This job sucked as it consisted solely of me putting other people's groceries in a bag and carrying them to their vehicle.

I was very glad to quit that job to say the least.

I staved off another summer job until my senior year of high school. After graduation I took a job at Wal-Mart for my money. This job I kept for the next four summers, quitting only during school. Over the years I did everything from check to cartrun and stock. IMHO no decent person should ever have to work for Wal-Mart.

I quit Wal-Mart and worked for two years as a SysAdmin, definitely the most fun I've had. Now I am starting my last summer job, this one as an archivist scanning documents onto computer media and then shredding them.

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Boring Summer Jobs

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