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Journal Surak's Journal: Brett Glass trolls? Wtf? 7

What's with the Brett Glass trolls? They seem to be referring to this brett glass but I don't get it. The page hasn't been updated since 1998, which is mildly amusing in and of itself, but I don't see what's so amusing otherwise. I'm just completely mystified. Could someone clue me in?

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Brett Glass trolls? Wtf?

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  • What's a Brett Glass troll? Can you give an example?

    When I search /. I come up with this [] which seems informative.

    • Interesting link...

      I had the pleasure of meeting Brett Glass in person on the spam panel at BayCon [] 2001. He seemed like a pretty level-headed and knowledgable guy, at least with regards to the spam problem.


      • Ditto the interesting link. My wife is blind (and deaf) so I want to support someone who is interested in a good browser. But... Ugh. He has a serious misunderstanding of the GPL. Like anything in life, there is a tradeoff. No, you have no *right* to this code... Without, in turn, giving something back. You are just as free to do your own thing as you were before. That lynx thread seems to show that he doesn't get it. Why should GPL advocates roll over on licensing? Try those same arguments with MS, Oracle,
        • heh.. too bad I don't have mod points today because this:

          Why should GPL advocates roll over on licensing? Try those same arguments with MS, Oracle, etc., and watch them laugh at you.

          was certainly insightful. Good post :)
  • kook. And it sounds to me as though Brett Glass would fall square into the 'kook' category.
  • However, it seems to be the nature of certain members of the Slashdot community to brand anyone who does not toe the "party line" as such. I have strong objections (on ethical as well as practical grounds) to the GPL and similar licenses. Lacking the maturity to respect an opinion which differs from their own, some of these people seek to defame me at every turn.

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." --Matt Groening
