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Journal shanen's Journal: Your website recommendations? 1

"These are not the websites you are looking for." (With the usual apologies to Obi-Wan Kenobi.) Not this one and not WTS. Not that WTS is going down completely, but I've said some relatively nice things about that new project of Jimmy Wales and now I feel like I was being presumptuous... Version One of that website is sinking soon, and most of the old content is going down with the ship. "Long live King WTS V2"?

So I'm still looking for a different kind of website. My basic objectives are all wrapped around time. Lots of things I want to do and learn, but my time remains as limited as ever. What I seek is a website that will help me use my time better. I think a lot of that is filtering the input, and I still think the best approach to filtering involves the (Multidimensional) Earned Public Reputations (MEPR) of the people who are offering the input and making the comments. Trolls will be trolls, but the website I am seeking will assist such negative sources in rendering themselves relatively invisible...

I also imagine a financial model based on cost recovery for services received. Perhaps some sort of Charity Share Brokerage (CSB) guiding the money flows?

So do you have any leads? Or questions? (I've been advocating for the CSB and MEPR for some years and never detected much comprehension.)

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Your website recommendations?

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