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Journal Zerbey's Journal: May 27th, 2003

Another month goes by, and summer has arrived in earnest. Temperatures are soaring into the 90's and this poor Englishman is melting! It has been a quiet month all round which the reason/excuse I've not been updating my journal!

Thomas is now 20lb... I'm very disturbed about this, he was 5lb 5oz only 6 short months ago. Who told him he could get so big? He's sprouting teeth right now so he's been very fussy of late, he has 4 and all the old mothers tell me that after the first few it get easier. I hope so!

He's not crawling yet, but I still think he'll walk first, however - he can stand up whilst holding onto something for short periods now. He's into everything right now and has figured out that bashing things together makes wonderful amounts of noise!

Kelly enjoyed her first (well, really second but he was in the womb at the time) Mother's day. Thomas signed her card all by himself :-)

Lots of overtime lately, like everyone else I dislike having to work overtime but it does mean I'll be getting a big paycheck :-) My manager is on vacation so I'm covering the work of 2 people.

It was memorial day in the USA this week so in honour of that I learned how to fold the flag properly. Our flag flew from September 11th, 2001 until a couple of months ago when it developed a huge rip so we had to take it down. We plan on putting it in a display case and saving it as a keepsake rather than taking it to be destroyed.

Geeky stuff!

I ditched Red Hat, I tried it because everyone raves about it and I've come to the conclusion I hate it. Sorry to all the loyal Red Hat fans for saying this! I've fallen out with SuSE Linux since version 8.0 as they seem to be trying to become Red Hat eg BLOATED. I like my Linux distro simple and sleek. So, after a 3 year break I've happily returned to using Slackware. I'm told Gentoo is worth trying out, so I will do so in the near future.

Right now, I've decided to put the huge pile of Dell's (well some of it, anyway) we have sitting in storage to some good use and I'm building a Cluster. I've never attempted it before so it should be an interesting experience.

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May 27th, 2003

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What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
