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Journal Surak's Journal: People Watch: Sargon 8's a juicy bit of info. sargon, who got modded to +5 informative for a comment he made about 802.11g and being on the committee who voted for it...has claimed in the past that's he's worked for three telcos and NASA.

Now, if sargon has worked for three telcos, maybe he is on the committee...what's more interesting, is that AC that replied to him claims to be Micheal Van Laferie. Now as far as I can tell Mr. Van Laferie isn't on the 802.11 WG, either, unless the 11g group is some offshoot of the main 802.11 WG, but I couldn't find any reference to that on the website so I rather doubt that.

It seems that we have some people who have a vendetta against sargon. The question, is sargon who he says he is, or what? While I personally do not know, and admittedly, there's enough for a reasonable person to suspect that sargon may not be who he says he is, he does seem to know his stuff.

Anyone know sargon? Maybe sargon himself cares to comment? ;) I find it interesting that people are trolling sargon because I've been having a case of someone trolling me as well lately.

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People Watch: Sargon

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  • However, it would be interesting to know if the allegations made here [] are true. has worked for or is working for the following companies.

    1. NASA
    2. Alcatel
    3. CISCO
    4. "I have worked for three phone companies, so I can talk about the hardware side."
    5. Transmeta (see google to search for this one)
    6. Redhat

    Is this true? Then that answers your question right there.

    Anyone in any real posistion of anything, wether Miquel de Icaza, Bruce Per

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