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Role Playing (Games)

Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Karma: Good. No karma police required

Well, I let my friend post a comment using my login. Lo and behold he gets modded up +4 Funny. I didn't particularly agree with the bone comment, but it did raise my karma from positive to good.

Apparently I've also been demoted to living in my mom's basement, lusting after Sarah Michelle Gellar. I made the mistake of addressing all the trolls who slam Buffy stories that are posted to Slashdot. You'd think I'd mocked their beloved Star Trek. :)

I wish I better understood the whole living-in-your-mom's-basement is an insult thing. I mean, what if it was your dad's? or your grandma's? What if you live in a basement apartment? In other countries, three or four generations continue to live under the same roof. I guess being wasteful (in general) and disrespectful of your ancestry (specifically) is just l33t or something. Maybe when I get older I'll understand...

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Karma: Good. No karma police required

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