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Journal MyHair's Journal: Comment Moderation

I find Slashdot amusing, and I find my quirks amusing. I went for a few weeks hardly posting anything, then the past couple of days I've been posting like crazy.

In most stories I usually have nothing particularly insightful or interesting to add that hasn't been posted already, so the posts I do make tend to be either funny (well, intended as funny) or me babbling about something in someone else's post that piqued my interest.

I'm not a karma whore or troll, but I do enjoy positive moderation. I'm usually surprised by what gets positive moderation and what doesn't. If I think a post is going to be modded funny or insightful or informative, it usually isn't. Then yesterday I ramble on and on about a previous job in a post that I thought had only a small chance of being slightly interesting--to the parent poster only--and it gets modded to +5!

The difference seems to be that in the high-expectations/low-results posts I'm trying to get points or at least trying to get my quip into the mix, while in the surprisingly well-modded posts I'm speaking off the cuff about personal experiences and any insights I had about them.

Perhaps it's an area-of-expertise thing: I'm rarely the most savvy person about the posted story, but I know about my experiences. Then again maybe it means I suck as a comedian. :-)

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