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XBox (Games)

Journal dragoncortez's Journal: I AM dragoncortez

I finally broke down last night and paid for XBox Live. I'd been hearing so much about it and had enjoyed a couple of my games which were Live-compatible so much, that it was just a matter of time. I'm happy to say that NBA 2K3 and MechAssault are indeed very fun games to play online. I was up much later than I wanted to be despite being forced to recognize that I totally suck when matched up against human opponents.

Of course, Live would not be complete without the usual bumbling video courtesy of Microsoft's Geek Outreach Division (marketing.) For anyone who popped in the demo disc that comes with your starter kit and watched the XBox Live promotional video, you know what I'm talking about. Much like Blockbuster and Nokia, Microsoft seems to think that the way to appeal to us, the social outcasts, is to "come down to our level" or perhaps they just can't help but be condescending to their customers. In any case, upon viewing this with my roommate, hilarity ensued.

Ya, so, I know there are like 3 million people that read my journal everyday, if you want to meet up with me for a little NBA 2K3 or kick my butt on MechAssault, my 'gamertag' is the same as my slashdot ID: dragoncortez. If you're wondering, "Why dragoncortez for a name?" well, you're out of luck 'cos I'm not going to tell you.

Do you ever find yourself wondering "Why do I act like a naive prick around members of the opposite sex?" I do. I guess that's not something I should proudly trumpet to the masses, but it's true all the same. What causes me to act in such an unbefitting manner? I know not. Do I wish I would stop? Absolutely. I guess I'm just a sucker for a pretty face.

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I AM dragoncortez

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