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Journal marcushnk's Journal: Carry on thoughts..

Ok.. so I have the flu.
I got to the shops like most other people and buy some cold and flu tablets.
Now these things are great.. the treat the symptoms and make you almost as if you didn't have the flu, BUT THEY DO NOT CURE IT.
So, I guess, in theory I'm now wandering around not being carefull of who I talk to or shake hands with because of the "out of site out of mind" effect.. and in the process passing my flu on to twice / thrice as many people as I would have had I just stayed at home and suffered through it.

If I was really paranoid I'd say that this would also contribute to how the flu's seem to be getting stronger and more resiliant to our methods of combating them..

I can't see a flaw in this thought.. Pity no one reads these journal things.. I'd love to discuss this further with people..

While I'm at it, why do I keep adding .. to the end of my sentances?
hmmm better get back to work..


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Carry on thoughts..

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