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Journal Surak's Journal: For those who think I'm Eric Krout 10

If you REALLY want to know my actual real name, it's not that hard at all if you were willing to do a modicum of research. Since you're nothing but a damn troll, you're obviously not intelligent enough to click on Web pages. See the link associated with my account? Uh huh, yeah that one. If you go to the page, check out the Archives link. There you'll see a link to a Sourceforge project page. The owner of said Sourceforge project page is -- guess?

Now go back to the main page on C'mon, it's not that hard. I know your head hurts at this point $$$$exyGal, er, uh, Krout, er uh, anonymous asshat, er uh whoever the fsck you are.

There's a little note at the bottom of that page as to who is the person responsible for 'Web programming'. That happens to be - duh - me.

But obviously your pea brain is to small to comprehend such things, that's why I had to lay it out for you.

Now go get bent.

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For those who think I'm Eric Krout

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  • If you REALLY want to know my actual real name, it's not that hard at all if you were willing to do a modicum of research. Since you're nothing but a damn troll, you're obviously not intelligent enough to click on Web pages. See the link associated with my account? Uh huh, yeah that one.

    My name is on that web page. Don't believe it?! Why not!? How else could I have added that URL as my homepage if it wasn't true?
    • Did you read the Sourceforge project page? The owner of the Sourceforge project page is Surak. That should be enough proof for you that I'm not Krout. norwoodites up there had no problem, why do you have so much difficulty? Do you think I would have been able to coordinate the creation of that account with the NSCFA?

      • Just because someone else on the Internet has the same handle as you means absolutely nothing at all. You know how many Surak's there are on the Internet? Google returns 15,000 hits!!! Duh, Krout. Funny that your other login on slashdot and K5 stops posting whenever you go on your Surak rampages. Also funny that you love talking about Krout. It's like you are trying to make the guy (you) larger than life.
        • Do the math, asshat. My account is in 18,000 range. It was created *before* Sourceforge, before VA bought Andopver, and before Andover bought Slashdot. How do you think I got 'Surak' on Sourceforge? I was one of the first people to sign up after the damn thing was created. What do you want me to? Change something on the Sourceforge page to prove that that Surak is me? I can do that, too.

          • Your user id number means absolutely nothing at all. There are 20,000 other people with low id numbers. You want me to believe that they are all you, as well? Surak is a Star Trek character that was invented in the 70's... tons of people have that username, so it means nothing. If your username was Meui9d92jd, then I'd be more likely to believe you.

            Changing the Sourceforge page is also irrelevant. Lots of different people could change that page. Just because you have access to something does not p
            • I can also change the site. Either way. I have legitimate access to both because I *am* who I say am.

              As far has hacking goes, I'm no 31337 h4x0r. While I certainly have the technical ability and could easily get up to speed rather quickly, I refrain some such actions in light of current laws.

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
