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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: We're too stupid to survive

Our species will just keep doing more and more stupid things until one of them wipes us out.
This pandemic? Our fault. WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES. If this one doesn't wipe us out, the next one will, or the next, or the next.
Or war. Or famine, Or human-caused climate change.
We don't find evidence of any other civilizations in our galaxy because they all do this to themselves: just smart enough to be so stupid that they wipe themselves out. I think it's inevitable.
Bonus points in our case: we make the planet uninhabitable. Nothing else will rise to take our place and repeat the cycle of stupidity and wipe themselves out as well.

Screw this. Let me live the last 25-30 years of my lifespan in relative peace, finding something I can enjoy to pass the time, and let me die in my sleep, and fuck this world and all 7,000,000,000 of you morons and your nonsense.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. -- Albert Einstein
