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Journal Surak's Journal: People Watch: $$$$exyGal and Twirlip link? 2

I realize that at least some of my fans are fans because they're interested in $$$$exyGal dirt, so here's some more. One Slashdot user posted an interesting theory that $$$$exyGal == Twirlip of the Mists. Of course, that user could just be mocking me, but whatever... wouldn't be the first time. ;)

That's an interesting thought, but not really plausible. Anyone notice that $$$$exyGal has mostly been posting only in the journals and that her comments have turned far less technical?

One possible theory I have is that ekrout sold the $$$$exyGal account to Twirlip. I don't know -- like I said in an early entry, it's entirely possible that given some of $$$$exy's new-found friends that maybe she really is just a chick bent on world domination. Hey, for all I know, maybe $$$$exyGal is really Bill Gates. ;)

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People Watch: $$$$exyGal and Twirlip link?

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  • Any mocking was directed in general to the over rationalized theories that run rampant on /. ;-)(No, the semi colon does not make me Krout)

    It just seemed so perfect: well-written, resourseful "hawk"/"neo-con" poses as a female "college student" type posting pr0n links. Or even reverse it. No one would ever suspect. The "ultimate" troll.

If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
