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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: Oh boy, HERE WE GO..

For fuck's sake people.. I know I've spun my own theories about how the Chinese government could have leveraged the species-jumping of this coronavirus to their advantage on the world stage, but for fuck's sake I don't have any proof of that, it's all an intellectual exercise, but the Trump Adminstration is taking trying to shift the focus away from themselves way too far now, and into the territory of inciting a war with China. I sure as hell don't have proof of anything, and even if they have intelligence operatives deeply embedded within the Chinese government, good fucking luck trying to get proof of what they're saying past Chinese borders! Actual incontrovertible proof of a planned effort at what is the very definition of biological warfare would be the Most Top Secret of Secrets that any government would have; people are killed over secrets like this!

So I got exactly one piece of advice for the current administration, and more to the point, our own Intelligence services and our Military commanders: You'd better be gods-be-damned 110% SURE of your intel before you go making real accusations of the Chinas' government that they engineered this entire pandemic, because you may start World War 3 over it.
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Oh boy, HERE WE GO..

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