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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: The REAL pandemic:


Yep. The actual virus is just a side-show compared to the real epidemic that's killing us: abject panic.
For the vast majority of people, you either get them drunk, or you subject them to high levels of emotional stress (either real or self-induced), and you find out what they're really like. And we're supposed to be evolved, sentient, civilized beings? LOL.

Come back in, oh, say, ten thousand years, and if humans are still around, then try telling me they're evolved, sentient, and civilized, because most sure as hell aren't right now.

MEMO TO AVERAGE PEOPLE: Stop panicking. You're making things a literal order of magnitude (if not TWO) worse than it has to be.
Stop hoarding, too, while you're at it.
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The REAL pandemic:

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