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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: Bear witness to the STUPIDITY of some of your fellow humans:

"And every day there will be multiplications," he continued. "You look at your toilet paper and you think I'm going to run out of toilet paper, but you have another roll where that one was and you don't know how did that even take place."
Can you believe, in the year 2020, in the United States, that there are members of our species that actually believes nonsense like this? Literal Magical Thinking? Worst of all: this son-of-a-bitch is leading them all to their deaths as he encourages them to congregate in his damned church, so they can all spread the virus to each other.
"We are not stopping anything," he said. "I've got news for you, this church will never close. The only time the church will close is when the Rapture is taking place.
This is why I think organized religion, in all it's forms, is bad, is holding back our species from evolving, encouraging superstition, discouraging rational thought, demonizing science and the search for real truth and real facts, replacing it with Cults Of Personality (because that's what modern religion is) and delusional thoughts.
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Bear witness to the STUPIDITY of some of your fellow humans:

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