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Journal salimma's Journal: The Mail We Love To Hate

Found this little gem of an article while reading the International Herald Tribune today:

The mail we love to hate

By Amy Harmon/NYT (NYT)

Monday, May 12, 2003


But as the determination to crack down on unsolicited e-mail surges along with its volume, it may be time to acknowledge an online heresy: It's kind of fun to hate spam. Hating spam has, in fact, become something of an international pastime.

There are some gems in that article, including the links:

  3. Spamku (spam haiku)
  4. George W. Bush's Nigerian Scam

An interesting discussion on how spam is becoming water fountain conversation stimulus, replacing television shows and sports. Well worth a read :)

To block all this junk from reaching you, of course, there are many anti-spam filters. I personally prefer the ones based on Paul Graham's Bayesian filter research paper, like Bogofilter for Unix users. For Windows users, there is Spammunition, and the latest Mozilla and Netscape mailers have Bayesian spam filters too. Oh, and for those new to this concept, Bayesian spam filters are trained based on the emails you receive what is spam and what is not.

Yes, I know most Slashdotters know that, this is for the benefit of non-Slashdot people out there :)

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The Mail We Love To Hate

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