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Journal Saint Nobody's Journal: Overrated? WTF? 1

Here's something that's always annoyd me: people who moderate comments as "Overrated" or "Underrated." it's just a matter of not being able to come up with a decent reason to moderate something, and wanting to do it anyway. as far as i'm concerned, Overrated and Underrated should be banned as moderation categories.

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Overrated? WTF?

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  • I see your point, but /. has a phenomenon where reasonable early posts tend to get modded up simply because of the number of eyes that are likely to see them--when I'm spending a lot of time on site, I've noticed that sometimes a flurry of +1 mods for posts of mine arrive within seconds of one another. Each moderator is probably acting independently and only sees my posting with a score of +1, but by the time they're done I am sitting there with +5.

    And once or twice a posting of mine gets one -1 troll score. Whilst another reader might disagree with the troll interpretation, he might simply want to counteract the effect of it being modded down without thinking that it's so interesting.

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
