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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Another day another dollar.

Today I was pleasantly surprised to find my eventual domination of Slashdot growing closer. For the first time I was awarded moderation points and metamoderation abilities at the same time. I realize that someday this will all feel 'pase' (I suddenly realized I don't know how to spell that for sure.) For now, though, I'm enjoying my expanded role in the Slashdot community.

I took a typing test today that I'm not sure is entirely accurate. I clocked in at 68 wpm. Yesterday I took an IQ test and scored 111. Whether these tests actually mean anything is beyond me. I took heart in the statistic on the IQ site (bbc) that as your IQ goes down, your earning power goes up. At least, that was the result from their test.

Maybe my Dead or Alive 3 booster disc will get here today. I really need to slow down on collecting Xbox games. But then, if I have to own them, getting them used has certainly saved me some money...

RAM wasn't built in a day.
