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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Calling all database'ers 2

I seem to recall there being a graphical tool out there that allows direct access into a MySQL database, and allows direct viewing and manipulation of data from there by sending in SQL queries. Data views were presented in an Excel-style table. I cant remember the name of this thing.

Anyone know of this tool and where it can be located?

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Calling all database'ers

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  • First thing I thought of, but it requires you to run it on a server with PHP installed. You can find it here [].
    I also did a google search [], but I don't know if any of the results might help.
    phpMyAdmin works great for me, but, like I said, requires PHP and doesn't have the Excel respresentation that you're seeking.
  • If you have Microsoft Access, do a search for an add-in called "MyAccess." It allows you to work with your MySQL tables via the Access UI.

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