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Journal salimma's Journal: Black Heart Procession 7

For fans of dark, slightly haunting melancholia, The Black Heart Procession might be what you are looking for.

For more info, you could find reviews for their latest album, 'amore del tropico' courtesy of Google.

The album revolves around a murder investigation, apparently - I must confess I listen to songs more for the melody than the lyrics, and BHP's combination of violin and a saw (yes, a saw) is just unique.

And it just occured to me that while I bought their latest album on the strength of the Did You Wonder video, I have not downloaded the sample MP3s from their previous albums... time to download when I get home this evening.

Update: Lhasa de Sela MP3 samples here - as recommended by Elwood - thanks!

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Black Heart Procession

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  • There's one track that I'm pushing on everybody:

    The Artist: Lhasa de Sela
    The Album: La Llorona
    The Track: 03 - El Desierto

    It is both most enjoyable and most debilitating at high volume. I've used this track to make people lose control of their legs.
    • Looks really cool []. Alas, no sample track - you know, when I heard 'Lhasa' and your description I thought it's some Tibetan chants :p

      I'll make a mental note to use my old Cambridge SoundWorks speakers and not spoil my notebook speakers or my headset... :)

      Hey, you live in the States, don't you? How is the new iTunes Music Service?



      • Sending myself a link to this page that has Lhasa MP3 samples - 30 seconds for tracks number 1 and 7, should be enough to make a decision.

        £11.99 on [], decent... hmm.. 1-2 weeks delivery estimate though, yikes.

      • iTunes Music Service is great, imho. It's not, however, so great that I'll use it anytime soon. My biggest peeve is definitely the limited selection, and the DRM is a close second. The quality definitely out-specs my ears, so the bitrate is not an issue.

        Perhaps they should have made the iTunes Music Store into a sort of giant reference site. Like or something. Attempt to list full discographies of every artist known to God. Then, after that, make as many of the listed tracks as possible availa
  • I'll check out tonight. After I sacrificed all my 30 slashdot posts to the JE of FortKnox ;-)

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