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Journal salimma's Journal: Classical Persian music on the Internet 2

I was reading rec.music.iranian on Usenet when I saw a post by Peyman Nasehpour, a tonbak (Persian drum) player, about the availability of classical Persian music he converted to MP3 format.

Visit Peyman at his website here for links to MP3s of him performing on the tonbak as well as the classical archive, graciously hosted by the DoveSong Foundation, which also archive Chinese, Indian and Western traditional music.

Persian culture is very rich in tradition, and I find myself really impressed by the civility of the arguments at soc.culture.iranian. I would recommend Persian music to connoiseurs of Indian music, it is not too different - in fact a few million Zoroastrians currently live in India, having moved there after Persia embraced Islam.

It is sad that the common misperception of Iran consist of demonstrators chanting 'Death to America'. Extremists exist everywhere, but music can hopefully help in partially bridging different communities.

Middle Eastern music on Shoutcast.

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Classical Persian music on the Internet

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