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Journal salimma's Journal: al-Sahaf is back (?) 2

It appears al-Sahaf is back, or has a kindred soul writing for the Korean Central News Agency, the North Korean information service.

This is evidenced from their statement regarding their preparedness to defeat the Americans, as I quote:

As military experts said that a war between North Korea and the U.S. will end with the delightful victory of North Korea, a newly-emerging, military power, in 100 hours, the aggression troops will be annihilated by the lightning counter-attack of the North Korean army at the initial stage of war, the heart of the U.S. be enveloped in flames by the attack of powerful strategic weapons and the arrogant empire of a devil will breathe its last.

Sometimes, abhorrable as any war is, especially preemptive ones, one wonder how shocking it would be for an Afghan or Iraqi to suddenly get less biased (I won't say unbiased) news from the outside world.

With the caveat that I still don't believe the end justifies the means. We don't even know what the "end" is, in the Pentagon scenario. Hopefully it won't be Pax americana.

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al-Sahaf is back (?)

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  • the heart of the U.S. be enveloped in flames by the attack of powerful strategic weapons

    That just sound exactly as a threat to use nuclear weapons. I hope the US governement is going to be a bit less blunt this time, because the last thing I want is a WW-III.

    Apart from that: we are heading straight in the direction of a "Pax Americana", but that's just my not so humble opinion.

    • I hope the US governement is going to be a bit less blunt this time

      They are redeploying their 'hair-trigger' infantry division and headquarters away from the front line, so things are looking rather grim.

      we are heading straight in the direction of a "Pax Americana", but that's just my not so humble opinion.


      1. The Wolfowitz-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Perl clique remained influential
      2. Bush won next year's election (looking quite likely though)

      I'm afraid you might be right. Does not mean one should

Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
