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Journal Surak's Journal: Linux Internet Appliance for ~US$200? 5

One project I'm trying to put together is a Linux-based Internet appliance for around US$200. The device would include a Web server, mail server, firewall, Samba support, etc. I'm going to use Devil Linux as my starting point, so the thing will boot off a CD-ROM for extra security and ease of upgrades. I plan on using a VIA EPIA Mini ITX board with one of Casetronic's cool Mini ITX cases and I'll toss in a small HDD and an extra 10/100 Ethernet card, probably a cheap RTL8139-based board or something.

One of the problems I have to solve is that it should be able to boot headless, with remote control via a Web browser, using perhaps something like Webmin and/or Firedraw. The thing will have an integrated SVGA card to be sure, but my own firewall that uses Devil Linux now won't boot without a monitor attached, even if I turn off errors in the BIOS.

The idea is to be able to sell these things to small-business consulting clients. I don't want to have to buy in huge volumes, either, as I am a one-man operation. What do you think? Can it be done?

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Linux Internet Appliance for ~US$200?

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  • i have been thinking about a linux based internet device type thing myself. i have been looking at the idea from more of a "business development" (whatever that means) angle...as in trying to target a specific market and develop the features,price,quality,etc that would sell. i have dealt with a number of elderly people in their adventures getting and staying on-line. in my limited personal experience, most elderly people don't care about their computer beyond its ability to allow them to forward jokes a
    • Thanks. Take a look at Devil Linux. The thing runs off a CD. I imagine if you threw in one of those "small" GUIs like microgui or embedded Qt or GtK framebuffer or something like that maybe it would work out. The development system on Devil Linux is really easy to work with and adding packages from source tarballs is a breeze. Props to the Devil Linux Team!

      Anyways, thanks for your reply and good luck to you, too. :)
  • Please don't patent it so I won't have to steal it if I ever get around to it.

    Did you ever get the feeling that $$$exy was in fact Twirlip of the Mists? Right around the time Twirlip quit posting [slashdot.org], $$$exy restarted [slashdot.org] the journal.

    Makes me feel icky.
    • Patent it? Hmmm... I doubt it would pass the originality test. Then again, considering I could get sued by Amazon if I made it a 1-click Internet appliance ... :)

      Hmmmm...that's interesting about Twirlip isn't it? Twirlip is a bit of fan whore, too. Twirlip seems a bit more political than $$$$exy, but I think anything's possible. However, I doubt it. Twirlip started posted in her journal before the $$$$exy account was created and was heavily active in her journal and discussions at the same time $$$$e

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
