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Journal llywrch's Journal: The Second Day of Xmas

I realize that my last entry was negative in tone. Heck, all of my entries so far could be said to be negative in tone. There are a couple of reasons for this:

1) When I write in a journal or diary, I tend to be more negative than I usually am in the rest of my life; &

2) I don't like my stepmother.

This Christmas was pretty good for me, compared to my other Xmases. I got some cool stuff I wanted (my wife set out a wrapped present, & I had no idea what was inside -- the first time in years this has happened for me), I had fun at my brother's house, & I ended the day feeling fairly upbeat.

Even though I lost casting my moderator point because my wife got online right after we got home, & I kept me from connecting. (I'm one of the 'Net proletarians who still have a dial-up connection.)

Hey there's more important things in life than posting to /.

"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
