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Journal Zerbey's Journal: April 28th, 2003

Thomas went for his 6 month cardiologist appointment today. Once again he is doing absolutely fine! His cardiologist did an EKG test and says that his heart function is still "excellent". He sees no reason to put him back on his medication and, therefore, he'll be back in 3 months for another checkup. He weighed in at 16lb so he's put almost 10lb's onto his birth weight. Yipe!

Thomas's newest party tricks are: reaching out to be held and grabbing at everything in sight. He has not yet worked out that Daddy's drink is not something he should attempt to rip out of Daddy's hands! Cute, but potentially dangerous - I'm no longer drinking anything hot whilst holding him! Luckily, no spilled drinks so far. He said "Ga Ga" to me this morning, almost at "Da Da" after lots of patient coaching :-)

They arrested Laci Peterson's husband. I Wonder if he did it? If he did - he deserves the worst punishment they can think up. Who would kill their wife whilst she is pregnant?? Not being in possession of all of the facts I don't know he he's guilty or not, but it certainly seems that way.

I did have a fiddle with SOCKS5, it didn't fix ICQ but I'm not blaming the software. It's either ICQ's fault or it's mine for missing something. Anyway, I can report that SOCKS5 is one of the easiest firewalls I've ever come across. Right now, I'm playing with Samba. Nice software, I have a Windows NT domain controller without having to fiddle with icky Windows NT.

Expedition 7 docked with the Space Station today. Good luck to the new crew and a safe trip home to the old! I'm very relieved they decided to keep the space station going after the Columbia tragedy, it's a fitting memorial to the Columbia crew.

This discussion was created by Zerbey (15536) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

April 28th, 2003

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What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
