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Journal jeffy124's Journal: WOW - A No Hitter! 2

I am amazed. Kevin Millwood - one of three big off-season acquisitions by the Phillies - has thrown a no-hitter today vs the Giants.

I just wish I was able to be at home to watch it to the end. I had to leave after the fifth, but I called my dad who says he would have otherwise just kept doing other work around the house and may have never noticed if not for my call.

Why wasnt I home? Intramural sand volleyball. Our team took 2 of 3 sets to pull out a come-from behind win. 25-21, 20-25, 16-14.

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WOW - A No Hitter!

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  • The last one. Had just gotten out of the shower after packing all day. Was playing with the kid and as I went through the channels I realized that TBS and ESPN were both playing the Phillies.
    Thinking that odd, I took note and watched the third walk of the game and then the last out.
    I am starting to watch more games, but it's been tough to stay on the bandwagon, especially with their two winning seasons over the last 16 years.
    Let's hope they keep it up.
  • (n/t)

Use the Force, Luke.
