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Journal AB3A's Journal: Iraq and a Hard Place, Chapter 2 2

This (NYT: registration required) is one very good reason why I think there was no alternative but to enter Iraq and depose their dictatorial regime.

Economic sanctions don't work when nations and the UN corrupt them. Would the United States and the United Kingdom have spent the money and lives to depose Saddam Hussein if these sanctions were really working? I doubt it.

The UN, the French auditors, and a fair number of countries who did business directly with Iraq have a lot to answer for. This is one story I sincerely hope will not dry up and blow away before it hits the fan a few more times. Besides the New York Times, Rush Limbaugh picked it up, so did Fox news and even NPR. It needs a lot more publicity. There seems to be unanimous agreement among both Right and Left wing media that this is a very bad failure on the part of the UN.

The UN is not the benevolent organization most people seem to wish it were. I agree with Ms. Rosett, those books need to be opened and published before the UN is admitted back to Iraq in any capacity.

The only thing conceivably worse than a known evil dictatorship, are those who turn a blind eye and support it.

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Iraq and a Hard Place, Chapter 2

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  • I agree entirely. Somtehing is seriously wrong also, when said evil dictator is permitted to sling threats left and right and said blind eyes get mad at the target of said threats kicks his ass from here to Bolivia.
  • ...was erased when they televised the liberation of the Iraqi Children's Prison. Anyone who could watch that, then babble about "blood for oil" or some other nonsense, should be thrown in a field of cowshit until they come to their senses.

Chemistry professors never die, they just fail to react.
